articles – Page 2 – purrandmiaow


What is World Environment Day?

environment help the planet recycle

What is World Environment Day?

When it comes to getting involved with World Environment Day, there’s something for everyone. It’s not just about the day itself; every day you can make small changes to help the planet.

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Bringing a new cat home? Here's what you'll need to prepare


Bringing a new cat home? Here's what you'll need to prepare

Welcoming a new cat into your home for the first time is exciting! Here's the main things you’ll need to prepare your home for a cat. 

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What's in your cat's food?

What's in your cat's food?

Many Big Pet Food brands choose to leave their recipes open, so every batch of your cats’ food could contain different ingredients each time. How are you supposed to know what's in your cat's food?

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Let’s end the environmental Cat-astrophe of pouches

Let’s end the environmental Cat-astrophe of pouches

We use enough single-use pouches to cover the surface of the UK 2x over every single day Billions of pet food pouches are currently sent to landfill. (1) Every year 10 billion pouches made of aluminium plastic are sold in pet food, baby food and drinks with a shocking rate of only 20,000 of these currently recycled. This recycling rate of pouches is 50 times worse of that of single coffee cups that have received so much media attention (2/3). With a typical cat food owner using 1000 pouches a year and 1.1 million cats in the UK the scale...

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Why is there sugar in your cat's food?

cat catfood nutrition sugar

Why is there sugar in your cat's food?

It should be easy to understand what goes into your cat’s food, but the reality is the ingredients listed in most Big Pet Food brands are hard to digest. Big brands tend to hide behind a long list of confusing ingredients. There’s usually one word on that list that we’d all recognise: sugar. Big Pet Food companies add sugar to their cat food pouches, which cats can’t taste and will only harm their health and teeth. If you think your cat has bad breath or is showing signs of dental problems, it may be worth looking at what they’re eating....

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